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ASME Bioprocessing Equipment (BPE) Committee was formed in 1990 to promulgate an ASME standard intended for design, materials, construction, inspection, and testing of vessels, piping and related accessories such as pumps, valves, and fittings for use in the biopharmaceutical industry. The rules in the standard provide for adoption of other ASME and related national standards, and when so referenced will become a part of the standard.

Membership on ASME Committees requires a commitment from both members and their employers. Members will be appointed to the Committee for a term of five years, during which time they will be required to attend 3 meetings per year. The membership on the Main Committee is balanced among manufacturers, material manufacturers, designer-constructors, equipment users, and general interest to assure a consensus is achieved. All meetings are open to the public, except when discussing personnel, accreditation, or legal matters. In addition to travel and attendance commitments, members must be prepared to devote time to committee ballots and correspondences.

Late 1989, into early 1990, a industry wide search was conducted to find qualified people interested to determine if the pharmaceutical / biopharm industry needed a "standard", and if so, work to develop same.

On 18 February, 1990, ten (10) were selected and became the Ad Hoc committee.

The 1st meeting of the Ad Hoc Bioprocessing Equipment Committee, with the ten (10) members was held at ASME HQ in New York City on 20 March, 1990. The 2nd meeting was held 27 June, 1990. At this meeting the group was informed the Ad Hoc group was officially a BPE Main committee of ASME. The 3rd meeting was 18 September, 1990 in NY.

The latest ASME-BPE Newsletter can be found HERE.

View the approval letter and the original 10 Ad Hoc committee roster HERE

Daniel Ding (Morimatsu), Zhenghui Gu (Morimatsu), and Lloyd Peterman (United Industries), gave presentations on BPE at ChinaPharm in Beijing. Click names for picture.

More ChinaPharm 2010 venue pictures HERE.

At the Stockholm, Sweden BPE meeting, a banquet was held to honor our retiring Chairman, "Tony" Cirillo. View VIDEO HERE.

See A Listing of Companies That Are Active In The BPE -->

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